All children are entitled to a healthy start. This is why all brands of Morgen are committed to Healthy Childcare.

Lead by example

Kinderopvang Morgen | Gezonde kinderopvang

It is important to us that children grow up healthy, get acquainted with a healthy lifestyle and learn the skills that go with it. Morgen chooses to work with parents/guardians to structurally promote children’s health and healthy lifestyle. Our staff lead by example, helping both the children and their parents/guardians to live healthy lives. We also work with a Healthy Start coach (in Dutch) who has followed the necessary training and provides support in practice.

"Structural attention at an early age increases the likelihood of a healthier lifestyle and better health as a child and adult."
Judith van der Kraan, coach healthy start


Healthy childcare is about more than just healthy food and exercise! We offer a number of set themes, with our brands themselves working with the team and parents/guardians to decide which ones are relevant to them. These themes are often part of our work, such as a fixed daily rhythm, social emotional development, hygiene and safety.

More information

The Healthy Childcare programme is an initiative of the Dutch government in which national knowledge and research institutes work together, supported by branch and umbrella organisations.

⇒ Visit the website of Healthy Childcare (Gezonde Kinderopvang, in Dutch)


Our brands

Discover our childcare brands in The Hague-Ypenburg, Rijswijk, Delft and Westland-Wateringen.

All brands