Morgen is a socially-driven organisation. Non-profit making, with a local heart.

Our goal

We believe that the best childcare should be available for all, no matter who you are or where you come from. Because only then do children have the opportunity of optimal development, not just now, but in the future.

Child development

This is why we make efforts for broad child development. We put our time and energy into improving childcare and are regularly involved in new initiatives. If changes in society or in laws and regulations create a demand for new forms of childcare, we respond to this.

In your local area

You will find our branded childcare and integral child centres in all sorts of areas in The Hague-Ypenburg, Delft, Rijswijk and Westland-Wateringen. We want to make a real difference in the development of young children and hence in the opportunities they have later on. We do this by providing the best childcare, but equally by working together with parents, schools and municipalities to develop and implement special initiatives at local level.

Kinderopvang Morgen | voor maatschappelijke kinderopvang

Extra support by playing: Samenspel and Speelstart

Sometimes it is not only the children who need a little extra support, the parents do, too. To meet this need, we worked with the municipalities of Rijswijk and The Hague to develop Speelstart (starting to play) and Samenspel (playing together). These are for children from the age of 18 months or 2 years, together with their parents. It is fun, educational and good for the children’s development and parents learn more about parenting and child development. Following this, the children go on to toddler playschool (peuterspeelschool) or toddler care (peuteropvang) in a programme of early years education, continuing until the first two classes of primary school.

Non-profit making

Morgen is non-profit making. This means that we invest all of our income that remains after subtracting our costs into further improving our service provision and its continuity.

⇒ Read more about our organisation.

Equal opportunities

We invest in equal opportunities for children and in inclusivity. Not only at our childcare centre, where our pedagogical team help children to make friends, discover and develop their talents and sometimes also give them a little extra support, but also by activities such as building new networks on child development, putting early detection of problems into practice and by regularly sharing our experience and expertise with partners.

Learning to play at the asylum seekers’ centre

In collaboration with the municipality of Rijswijk, we have started a playgroup at the asylum seekers’ centre for children aged 2 to 4. If there is one place we can contribute to child development, it is here. The children who live here have been through a lot and speak no Dutch. In the playgroup in the grounds of the asylum seekers’ centre, we offer these children a safe place to play and explore. Led by one of our early learning experts, we help the children to discover each other and the Dutch language and to allow themselves to simply be children for a while.

Our staff try to gain insight into their family situation and, if this is possible and necessary, to further support their parents. We work together with the COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers), the municipal health service (GGD), the school at the asylum seekers’ centre, the Centre for Youth and Families (CJG), the library and Stichting Vrolijkheid (Art Projects in Dutch Refugee Centres).


We now have over 50 years’ experience as a childcare organisation committed to child development. And we are still just as enthusiastic as we were on the very first day.

Our brands

Discover our childcare brands in The Hague-Ypenburg, Rijswijk, Delft and Westland-Wateringen.

All brands